
Showing posts from November, 2022

The energy sector - prospects and development trends

Our country has long been a leader in the global energy sector and is rightfully considered the most significant energy power. Russia sets the trends in energy technology and innovation in this industry. One of the energy industry leaders, top manager Andrey Khodykin , agreed to talk about his profession. Expert and sustainable energy production manager Andrey Khodykin can explain energy in simple words. If you draw an analogy, the energy industry is like a complex multi-level mechanism without which society cannot exist. If you want to understand and realize the importance of this area, it would be enough to imagine that in winter, all homes are left without light and heat, at least for one day. For areas where there is a seasonal change in the weather, thermal energy is vital - to heat. In addition, we must remember that energy is a budget-forming industry. Unlike China and the United States, Russia spends less than half of its total energy production on meeting the needs of the dom