The energy sector - prospects and development trends

Our country has long been a leader in the global energy sector and is rightfully considered the most significant energy power. Russia sets the trends in energy technology and innovation in this industry. One of the energy industry leaders, top manager Andrey Khodykin, agreed to talk about his profession.

Expert and sustainable energy production manager Andrey Khodykin can explain energy in simple words. If you draw an analogy, the energy industry is like a complex multi-level mechanism without which society cannot exist. If you want to understand and realize the importance of this area, it would be enough to imagine that in winter, all homes are left without light and heat, at least for one day. For areas where there is a seasonal change in the weather, thermal energy is vital - to heat. In addition, we must remember that energy is a budget-forming industry. Unlike China and the United States, Russia spends less than half of its total energy production on meeting the needs of the domestic market. It is one of the largest producers of all types of energy, and most of the energy is exported, thus filling the country's budget.

Top Manager Andrey Khodykin

Andrey Khodykin, an energy expert, believes this is an exciting yet responsible specialization. In the energy industry, you cannot be without precision and discipline. Reliability and responsibility are paramount here. A negligent attitude can be a tragedy, even if you have all the necessary skills and knowledge.

Top Manager Khodykin Andrey started his career in the electric power industry more than 20 years ago. He began in an ordinary position - he was responsible for installing power grids, for their design, and repairs if they malfunctioned. And now, he is an Honored Power Engineer of the Russian Federation. Andrey Khodykin is a member of the first in Russia, and the largest in the world, a national expert group for resource testing of high-temperature superconducting DC cable lines.

General Manager Khodykin Andrey is sure - ecological policy in the energy sector is crucial for the country's government, not just for energy companies. He believes there will already be a fundamental transformation in the foreseeable future: greenhouse gas emissions will be halved, and the transition to renewable energy will take place. Environmental friendliness in the energy industry is not just a current trend. If you look at this trend in the domestic segment, you can already see more careful electricity use. These are energy-efficient light bulbs, as well as motion sensors, which can reduce costs if they are installed in common areas. Energy expert Andrey Khodykin considers this logical because, for environmentally friendly use of energy resources to become a large-scale project at the federal level, it is necessary to start with the private sector.

The opinion of sustainable energy production manager Andrey Khodykin is trusted by specialists at the highest level, as he represents a new generation of ambitious and talented power engineers. Professionals like him define the vector of energy policy, describe the cohort of leading experts in the country's energy industry, and have every chance to achieve the status of an energy superpower.
